British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Intermediate Level Training Courses were formed to promote better standards of occupational hygiene practice throughout the world. BOHS also promotes an international qualifications framework so that students are trained to a consistent, high standard, recognized in all participating countries.
- BOHS M200 – Basic Principles of Occupational Hygiene
- BOHS M507 – Health Effects of Hazardous Chemical Substances
- BOHS M501 – Measurements of Hazardous Chemical Substances
- BOHS M503 – Noise: Measurement and its Effects
- BOHS M505 – Control of Hazardous Chemical Substances
- BOHS M504 – Asbestos and other Fibres
- BOHS M506 – Ergonomics Essentials
- BOHS M502 – Thermal Environment
Basic Principals of Occupational Hygiene (M200)
A 5-day course covering the introductory theory and practical aspects of occupational hygiene monitoring for both Physical (Noise, Lighting, Ventilation, Heat, Cold, Vibration, Ergonomics) and Chemical (Risk Assessments and Monitoring) stresses. Instruments are practically demonstrated and handled in both the classroom and an industrial environment. Candidates are required to submit a monitoring report as fulfilment of the course certificate requirements.
Health Effects of Hazardous Chemical Substances (M507)
This course aims to provide an introduction to the principles of toxicology, physiology and epidemiology. The course will cover the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work, and the hazards associated with common hazardous substances.
Measurements of Hazardous Chemical Substances (M501)
This course aims to provide the student with a sound understanding of the techniques for assessing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace and with an understanding of how exposure information can be used to assess risk.
Noise – Measurement and its Effects (M503)
This course aims to provide the student with an appreciation of the nature of noise hazards in the workplace and the effects of noise on people. It also details the approach in carrying out noise assessments in the workplace and in the general environment, and to determine the significance of measurement data in relation to the various standards for compliance.
Control of Hazardous Chemical Substances (M505)
Describe the ways in which exposure to hazardous substances arises in the workplace, and to introduce the methodologies and technologies available to control exposures and thereby reduce risks to health.
Asbestos and other Fibres (M504)
This course aims to enhance the student’s knowledge of occupational hygiene practice in relation to fibrous dusts. The module concentrates on asbestos, but other fibres, e.g. Machine-made mineral fibres, aramids, carbon etc., which are increasingly finding uses in industry are also covered. Successful completion of this module will benefit those working in asbestos consultancy as well as in mainstream occupational hygiene, giving an understanding of the health risks associated with asbestos and other fibres as well as the means of evaluation and control.
Ergonomics Essentials (M506)
This course aims to provide a broad-based introduction to ergonomic principles and their application in the design of work, equipment and the workplace. Consideration is given to musculo-skeletal disorders, manual handling, ergonomic aspects of the environment as well as to the social and legal aspects.
Thermal Environment (M502)
This course aims to provide the student with a sound understanding of the effects of the thermal environment on people, and the means of assessing and controlling the risks associated with thermal stress.